This boat provides a cost effective way to get your family out on the water. It has all the essentials, as well as great shade!

With our on water service the boat will be ready waiting for you at the Leeuwin Boat Ramp in East Fremantle at your chosen start time. 

The boat will need to be returned to the ramp by 4pm.


Length: 4.27m

Width: 1.90m

Engine: 30 HP Honda

Passenger Capacity: 4 adults

Equipment: depth sounder, esky, net and gaff


Leeuwin Boat Ramp, 45 Riverside Road, East Fremantle WA

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Terms and Conditions

Boat Hire Terms & Conditions The hire vessel is to be under the control of the nominated skipper at all times and it is the nominated skipper’s responsibility to make sure of the safety of the boat’s passengers and safety and well being of the boat. The nominated skipper is to be aware of the current weather forecast and sea conditions for the area of boat operation and for the time frame of the boat hire. Only holders of current West Australian Skippers Tickets (or other states equivalent power boat license) can drive the boat. All qualified boat drivers must be listed on the hire agreement and their licence number noted. All boat drivers are to attend the boat’s skipper’s briefing. Boat operation is to be in day light hours only. The boat is not to be operated in open waters if swells are greater than 2 meters and/or if wind speeds exceed 20 knots. The boat is only to be used in the agreed operating area. Navigational hazards such as reefs, shoals, sand bars, etc are to be avoided by keeping a vigilant lookout and also monitoring the electronic charts. When in the vicinity of navigational hazards, boat speed is to be reduced to 10 knots or the speed limit (whichever is the least). The same holds for operating in channels or restricted waterways. The nominated skipper is responsible to ensure that the boat is operated within the current marine laws, abides to the required speed limits and maritime regulations and common courtesy to other boats. Children under 12 years of age are to wear PFD at all times whilst on the boat. The boat radio is available for the hirer to use to notify maritime authorities as required or appropriate. Radio protocol is to be observed at all times. Commercial hire is subject to the boat meeting the required survey category and agreement by Boating West and noted on the hire agreement by Boating West. Late return of the boat is unacceptable and will be charged at a late return fee of $100 per hour past the agreed return time. It is the nominated skipper’s responsibility to make sure that adequate time is allowed to return the boat at the agreed time. If the boat is not going to be returned on time, it is the nominated skipper’s responsibility to notify Boating West accordingly by mobile phone. By keeping Boating West advised of the boat’s ETA the late return fee may be cancelled. At the beginning of the hire, the boat comes with a full tank of fuel. For tow away hires, boats are to be returned with a full tank of fuel. For boats returned without a full tank of fuel, extra charges will apply. Please note that the appropriate fuel is Unleaded. If any inappropriate fuel (E10, Diesel, Water, ..) is used, the nominated skipper will be charged for its removal from the boat and for any damage to the motor. If you choose our on water option, we will refuel the boat once it’s back on its trailer and charge the fuel cost to your card. For tow away hires - if the boat is not returned with the fuel tank full, Boating West will charge the nominated skipper at the rate of $3.00 per litre for fuel and a $100 administration fee. Hire Charges & Fees At time of booking a boat a deposit is required to secure the booking. Deposit per number of hire days is $100 / day for the Tinny and $200 / day for all other boats. The full hire fee is to be paid in full prior to commencing the hire. In addition to the Hire Fee a bond of $1,000 is required. The bond can be paid in cash or by credit card. If the boat is returned in good condition and full of fuel the bond will be repaid or credited to the hirer’s account. If there is damage to the boat beyond normal wear and tear, the cost of repairs shall be deducted from the bond. Late return fee is $100 per hour late. Booking Cancellations Boating West reserves the right to cancel bookings if we deem the weather and conditions to be unsafe or unsuitable. Boating West shall hold the deposit in credit for a replacement booking within 3 months of the original hire. Customer cancellations require appropriate advance notice to Boating West. If the appropriate advance notice is not given, the deposit is forfeited by the customer. If the appropriate advance notice is given the deposit will be held in credit for 3 months. The appropriate advance notice is detailed below: • Total hire of 1 day – the required advance notice is 48 hours • Total hire of 2 days – the required advance notice is 3 days • Total hire of 3 to 6 days – the required advance notice is 6 days • Total hire of 7 + days – the required advance notice is 1 month

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